Advisors Corner

We’ve compiled helpful resources, links, and documents to support our chapter advisors.


Request a State Officer

If you would like a State Officer to attend your FFA event, please use this link!

Requests must be made 2 weeks prior to your event. We will reach out to the requesting advisor with confirmation. 

Ag Ed Directory

Click here to go to The Extended Ag Ed Directory. Password required!


Speak with Idaho FFA State Staff about this process.

Awards Submission Help

Video tutorial for Award Applications Through the AET: State FFA Degree, Proficiencies, Stars, National Chapter

Chapter Officer Team Ideas & Resources

Sample Chapter Officer Application (Thanks Rigby FFA!)

Sample Chapter Officer Duties (Thanks again Rigby FFA!)

Sample Chapter Officer Organizational Structure (Thanks Rigby FFA!)

Things to Remember When Completing Degree Applications

Download helpful tips for completing FFA Degree Applications including:

How should SAE descriptions be developed?What constitutes community service?

How do I adequately describe community service?

How NOT to copy and past things year to year.

What expenses must be included for different type SAE’s?

State FFA Degree Test Information

Roster Resources

Visit National FFA’s page for help with rosters.

Award Forms

Honorary State FFA degree
& Distinguished Service

The forms below are due to District Directors by the end of each calendar so District Directors have time to submit these to the Idaho FFA Executive Director prior to the Midwinter IATA Board of Directors Meeting. District Directors will turn in fully completed forms prior Idaho FFA Midwinter Board of Directors Meeting for applications to be considered. INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE REVIEWED.

2025 Honorary State FFA Degree Application - This award is intended to recognize adults who are helping advance AFNR Education and the FFA and/or who have rendered outstanding service to the agricultural industry. These individuals may include agriculture teachers, farmers, business people, legislators, school administrators, staff members in agricultural education and others who are helping to advance agricultural education and the FFA.

2025 Idaho FFA State Distinguished Service Award Application - This award is reserved for companies or individuals who have rendered outstanding statewide support over a period of time to AFNR Education and the FFA. It is generally given to those outside of the active AFNR Education profession.

2025 Idaho FFA VIP Citation Award Application- The Idaho FFA Association relies on the support of exceptional individuals to provide life-changing experiences for its members at or above the state level. Each year, those who have made outstanding contributions to FFA, for more than 15 years, are honored with the VIP Citation.


Special Needs

It is a core responsibility of the Idaho FFA Association to provide opportunities to all Idaho FFA members regardless of their disabilities, special needs, or exceptionalities. The Idaho FFA Association works in partnership with its district associations and local programs to ensure members with special needs have the same opportunities along with positive learning experiences.

 Idaho FFA recognizes that there are three key areas in which members are involved in activities outside their local chapters/programs where accommodations for special learning or abilities  may be necessary:

1.      Career and Leadership Development Events

2.     Proficiency, Star and National Chapter Programs

3.     Degree Programs

It is the responsibility of a member’s chapter FFA advisor to notify FFA district advisor or the state FFA advisor or state staff of a member’s accommodation needs in advance of an event so that there is appropriate time to ensure the member’s needs are met. It is the intent of the Idaho FFA Association to assist in meeting a members documented accommodations by adhering to the recommendations on the member’s IEP or 504 Plan. Advisors should complete a  Request for Special Needs Accommodation for Idaho FFA Events and Programs Application located on the Idaho FFA Association website or available upon request from state FFA staff.  Additionally, should a member require modifications based on physical need that is short term and not part of a school-based plan, the same communication should occur.

Special Needs Accommodations Form

Delegate Issue Proposal Form

Chapters wishing to submit a potential delegate issue must complete this form and send it to their FFA District Director prior to the end of the calendar year ending before the State FFA Convention. Forms should have the support of the chapter and include thorough information. Delegate issues are selected prior to the State FFA Convention.

Delegate Issue Proposal Form

Rubrics for State Star Evaluation

State Star/Proficiency Award Interview Score Card

Rubrics for Proficiency Evaluation

Entrepreneurship Proficiency

Placement Proficiency

Combination Entrepreneurship/Placement Proficiency

*In the event of a tie, the Interview Score is the tie-breaker.

Rubric for National Chapter Applications

National Chapter

Weekly Updates

See weekly Idaho Ag Ed Listserv emails for Weekly Updates! Contact state FFA staff if you are not receiving these emails.