Halee's Greatest FFA Memory

Halee Bohman, Troy FFA Chapter

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August 25th, 2016: My first day of seventh grade and I couldn’t wait: my next class was exploratory agriculture. I grew up on a 3300-acre farm a few miles out of Troy, Idaho. I always loved riding in the combine and tractor with my dad on the family farm, and now I would get to be a part of the FFA Association.

I got to class, sat down, and eagerly asked the question: “When do I get to wear the Blue Jacket?” My ag teacher, Mr. Hoffman looked at me and said, “In two years.” I was disappointed to say the least, but I walked around in that classroom with my head held high practicing the National FFA Creed. Since most middle school kids didn’t know the Creed, my advisor thought it would be a great idea for me to present it in front of my fellow classmates. I proudly recited it, and waited for the two long years until I could be up on stage presenting it to the world.

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But my favorite memory of all time was getting the opportunity to go to the Idaho State Leadership Convention and watching the State Creed Speaker speak proudly on stage. I couldn’t wait for the few more months until I was up there. At state, I competed in the Conduct of Chapter Meetings LDE. I had one practice and I was on to state. I stayed up late memorizing voting rules and opening ceremonies. I got on stage and made my debates as strong and relatable as possible. We watched the old officers depart and the new state officers cry tears of joy when they received their role. This was my greatest FFA memory-one that I will never forget.



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Halee, the Idaho FFA is proud to have you as a member! We are excited to see what you will accomplish the next few years while wearing the blue jacket! Keep up the great work and thank you for sharing your Greatest FFA Memory with us! 

Idaho FFA Association