National Officer Candidate Katy Doumit: Passion for Service
Passion, growth, and service are attributes that lead to almost every decision I make. One of these decisions was deciding to run for a National FFA Office.
After serving as a state officer, I thought my time in FFA had come to an end – but I was wrong. When you have a great passion for something, it’s difficult to just let that passion go. Instead of letting my passion for agriculture and FFA fade away, I realized there was so much more I could still contribute to the organization and industry. This led me to run for National Office and get involved with my chapter’s Alumni because I knew I could still share the passion I’ve gained with members and help them find their passions. FFA is an organization many of us are passionate about, but how far are you willing to let that passion take you?
Growth is another attribute that has greatly affected my life. I’ve had many opportunities to grow in my confidence and abilities by trying new things, embracing failures as learning opportunities, continuing to challenge myself, and building trusting relationships. I encourage everyone to try to find at least one thing they’ve learned from each experience they have and each person they talk to.
“Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.”
FFA members truly live to serve through anything they do. Service has become more and more relevant in my life as I’ve gotten older. One specific way I appreciate how FFA members are dedicated to service is the connections they build with their communities. Whether through service projects or including community members in their events, FFA members truly show their dedication to service.
Another passion that drove me to run for National Office is building connections with others. Whether through community members, industry representatives, or even just my peers, one of my favorite things is to make meaningful connections. One way I continue to make these connections as a college student is through my local FFA Alumni and Supporters Chapter. I volunteer to run their social media and website, while still getting to interact with students and the community on at least a monthly basis.
One way the Troy FFA Chapter connects with their community is by partnering with the Alumni to host a back-to-school BBQ every year for students and parents so they can see what agricultural education is all about. Chapters also host community appreciation breakfasts and complete service projects such as making blankets for nursing homes or landscaping downtowns to give back to their community. Any way that we can include our community with our AgEd and FFA programs will help strengthen those important relationships. The National FFA Living to Serve Grants are an amazing opportunity to assist with the financial burden of service projects, and I encourage any chapter to apply! No matter what stage of life we’re in, I challenge everyone to use their passions and dedication to growing in giving back and engaging with their communities.
Katy Doumit, Troy FFA
2021 Idaho FFA National Officer Candidate
Katy, Idaho FFA is proud of your passion for agriculture, FFA, and service! Thank you for your year of service as a state officer, and best of luck next week as you work to become a National FFA Officer!