When Life Gives You Lemons...RUN!
Katie Hebdon
Idaho FFA Vice President
So, I know that this may sound a little weird and you are probably thinking, “Katie, that is not how the saying goes.” I know the saying is actually, '“when life gives you lemons make lemonade,” but I think running with these figurative lemons works much better. During my time in FFA I found out that some of our greatest challenges and disappointments are usually blessings in disguise.
During my very first year in FFA I decided to run for a chapter office. I was super excited for this opportunity because FFA had left an amazing impact in such a short amount of time. From my very first competition, to watching our chapter officers host meetings, and the state officers run across the stage at State Convention, I was hooked! I decided I wanted to be just like all these amazing people, and the first step to getting there was running for a chapter office.
For chapter officer sifting in Nampa FFA, we give short speeches on a question decided by our electing board. I still remember I wrote my speech on my love of service. I thought my interview went pretty well and was just excited to be stepping outside my comfort zone while in the blue jacket. Now, I just had to make it through the next week to hear the results at our banquet, and boy was it hard to wait!
When banquet had finally come, I remember being so excited and nervous for everything that was taking place; Greenhand Degrees, award presentations, and the announcement of the new officer team. We went through the night, and it was absolutely spectacular getting to celebrate everyone’s accomplishments together. Then for the big moment; officer announcements. I was so nervous standing with the other candidates in the back; I thought my heart would beat out of my chest. Slowly they called the new team one by one. As they got higher up the officer list, I started to get anxious but tried to stay calm. Finally, they called the last position, and I realized that I hadn’t made the team. My stomach sank and my heart felt heavy, but how could I be sad when some of my best friends had made the team?
For me, this was one of my first real experiences with what I considered to be a “failure.” Not making the team seemed like the end of the world, and I wasn’t sure how I was going to continue. I remember talking to my mom after and she said that while I was disappointed, everything happens for a reason. At the time I did not appreciate her words of wisdom, but looking back everything turned out better than I could have ever imagined.
Flash forward to starting the next school year. Our FFA chapter chose me to serve as a Joint Student Leadership Delegate for CTE in our school district and as Scrapbook Committee Chair. Now it may not have been on the officer team, but I was so excited for the opportunity! I was going to put in 110% effort because I had started to realize it wasn’t about the position, but about serving my chapter.
Now you still may be wondering what the “blessing in disguise” from this whole experience was. During my year in these two positions, I met a quiet, thoughtful, kind girl who has become one of my life-long best friends. After that year, we served on an officer team together, spent three years on the veterinary science team, and have created countless other memories. If I had been elected to a chapter office, I do not think we would have the same relationship we do today, and I would not change that for the world.
Next time you are feeling down or upset because something didn’t go exactly how you wanted it to go take a step back and have faith. Because you never know what doors are going to open. So, when life presents you with a lemon take it and run as fast as you can because you never know what lifelong connections could be waiting.