Be Proud of Your Boots
In season 3; episode 19, the beloved-hopeless-romantic-main character, “Ted Mosby,” shows us his prized possession. His red cowboy boots. In this scene of the popular hit comedy show, “How I Met Your Mother,” Ted desperately tries to convince the group that he could “pull off” the boots while claiming that it's a classic western look. Even though the rest of the group agrees that he could never pull them off and would look ridiculous in them, Ted is determined to prove them wrong. After putting on the boots, Ted emerges from his room while shadowy western music plays in the background. His boots are tall and bright red, and he’s tucked his straight jeans into the boots. He struts to the living room and displays his new look proudly. He looks off into the distance as he says, “pulling. them. off.”
Now even though Ted was confident in the boots and how they looked on him, the rest of the group still mocked him for even thinking about putting on the boots. Sometimes in life, mockery can make it harder to enjoy the things we love. Even the style of boots we wear and how we wear them. Maybe it's because we're embarrassed that we might not fit in. Maybe we think our boots are too short, too big, not the right color. Or maybe we’re just embarrassed because of the places we’ve been in them
More often than not this feeling of embarrassment can be about our entire journey through life, not just about our choice of fashion. How often in life do we try to hide our backgrounds because we don’t fit the typical storyline. We keep our heads down, trying to hide that we speak differently, have different hobbies, look different, or that we didn't grow up doing the same things. Our journeys are suddenly rewrote to fit the perceived standards of those around us. Instead of being genuine, we end up forgetting something very important; No matter where you come from, where you are, or where you want to go, your story and why you’re here matters.
Our backstories are like cowboy boots. No cowboy boot fits the same, but when it finds the right person, it fits perfectly. Every journey is different, and the experiences we’ve been through are all unique, and they are all perfect. The FFA is made up of all kinds of members from all different backgrounds- farm kids, suburban students, and even those with no prior connection to agriculture. That's because there's no “right” way to wear the blue jacket. This organization is about unity through uniqueness.
Think of Courtney DeHoff, a keynote speaker and network television professionalist by day, and cowgirl by night. Courtney was told to act differently, dress differently, and to just be different her whole life! People tried to get her to abandon her roots and accept someone else's story as her own. However, Courtney knew that her story held value. Her famous saying, “Fancy-Lady-Cowgirl,” inspired many young cowgirls and cowboys to embrace their strengths and weaknesses and fight against conformity. Courtney reminds us that what we've learned, overcame, and experienced can encourage someone else to step outside of their comfort zone.
As FFA members who wear the blue jacket every day, it's important for us to embrace our own story and be confident in our own experiences so we can use them to grow. Upperclassmen, be an example of who you can be in this organization to younger leaders by embracing and sharing your true self. Underclassmen, embody your true self and use it as a light to guide you through this organization and find your own path in it. Remember, FFA and the agricultural world isn’t just about the competitions or titles, and it sure isn't about a certain behavior, style, belief or way of life. It's about using our jackets to amplify our story so that we can become the best versions of ourselves.
So the next time you take off your official dress and slip into your personal shoes, don't be afraid to walk proudly in whatever boots you want to wear. No matter if those boots are brown, black, short, tall, wide, fat, or even if your boots aren't actually boots and instead are crocs, sneakers, birkenstocks, or some sick Jordan’s, wear them confidently and make sure people know why you wear them. Above all else, be proud of your boots.