Idaho FFA Association
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Premier Leadership,
Personal Growth,
Career Success.

These and more are available to Idaho FFA members as they experience FFA membership in their local programs, districts, and at state level events. Additionally FFA offers opportunities for scholarships, competitive experiences, business tours, and networking.


About Idaho FFA

FFA is a youth leadership organization for students studying agriculture, food and natural resources. Student involvement includes opportunities for premier leadership, personal growth and career success with agriculture and natural resources as the vehicle.

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Meet the 2024–2025 State Officers

Front Row: Aislyn King, New Plymouth FFA, Secretary; Eliza Dugan, Jerome FFA, Reporter

Back Row: Abbigail Foruria, Emmett FFA, Treasurer; Joshua Nelson , Troy FFA, Vice President; Joseph Bendel, Troy FFA, Sentinel; Will Brackett, Castleford FFA, President


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FFA supporters

Alumni & Supporters

Whether or not you’re a former FFA member, you can support agricultural education and student leadership as an FFA alumni and supporters member. Join us!



As an FFA member, students begin a journey into leadership, personal growth, and career success that becomes foundational to their development. Learn what it means to be an FFA member and how to support your student.

FFA Members receive donation

FFA Foundation

The Idaho FFA Foundation directly supports FFA members and FFA chapters by raising financial support for awards, travel stipends for National FFA events, and scholarships, in-kind contributions, and connecting members to the agriculture industry.