The Uncomfortable
Hallye Duckett
2023-2024 Idaho FFA State Secretary
Throughout our lifetime, we will be surrounded by thousands of uncomfortable moments, awkward situations, and somewhat painful interactions. Now I know that doesn’t sound very hopeful, but hear me out…although not always fun, uncomfortable situations are the best because they are the moments that lead to the most growth!
Going into my sophomore year of highschool I decided to step out of my comfort zone a bit and show a steer! I was so excited to try something new and take on the county fair for the first time. My uncomfortable came when I picked out the perfect little black angus steer from the feedlot and named him “Bandit!” Over the next ten months Bandit and I put tons of hard work and effort, putting our trust in one another and learning together. I spent hundreds of hours with him doing the best I knew how to teach Bandit all the things he needed to be ready for the show ring. As the fair neared we worked extra hard to ensure our hard work all throughout the year would pay off. After many months of laughs, tears, and determination we were ready to take on the Canyon County Fair. I felt confident in our ability and the hard work that I had put in all throughout the year. Bandit and I had built a connection and I was sure that we would be successful. Finally, the week arrived and we headed for the show ring. I woke up at 5 am sharp, drove over to the fairgrounds, and began prepping Bandit for the show ring. My nerves ran high yet, we confidently walked into the ring together and that’s when…Bandit did not want to go any further, drug me all around the show ring, and fought me the entire time. I was so embarrassed. And to make matters worse I could not get him to stand still for a sale picture at all! He kept running me over and I was getting more and more flustered by the minute. Others around me kindly stepped in to help, but it just made me feel more embarrassed. I should be able to control my own steer. I felt like a complete failure. After all of the hard work that Bandit and I had put in over the year, why had we completely failed at our task? My advisors and family tried to reassure me, but it just made the situation even more uncomfortable. However, as the week came to a close I began to realize that Bandit and I ended the fair accomplishing what we had set out to do, get to the fair and into the ring. At the time it felt like the most embarrassing situation, but over time I found growth through that pain. I learned countless lessons from this experience that brought me into my next year of showing with more enthusiasm and dedication than ever before. Had Bandit and I not been in that uncomfortable situation, I would have missed the lessons of patience, success, and dedication that I found because of that embarrassing and somewhat awkward moment.
Bandit and I at the fair
One of my most uncomfortable experiences came just before the start of my senior year when I was getting ready to attend the Washington Leadership Conference. While I was full of excitement, I was also extremely nervous of the unknown that was before me. I wouldn’t be with my friends, I would be in a totally new city, and I had no idea what to expect. There was nothing comfortable about this new situation. Finally, after a long day of travel we arrived in Washington D.C., a completely foreign place. The next day, I walked into the conference center and was immediately overwhelmed by all of my surroundings. A room full of hundreds of new people from all over the country that I had never met. I was quickly split up from my other friends and feeling more uncomfortable and alone than ever before. After gathering my belongings I headed to my hotel room to meet my new roommates. At first all I could think was this is awkward. I was supposed to stay with these people for the rest of the week and I barely even know them. However, I quickly learned that this uncomfortable situation was an opportunity for growth. As I invested myself throughout that week I made beautiful connections with people. My community group, roommates, and others from the conference became some of my closest friends. If I had turned away from that awkward situation on the first day, I would have never made those life changing connections. As I chose to expand my opportunities that week, I grew as a leader and a person. Choosing to put myself in an uncomfortable situation led me to one of the most amazing weeks of my life and learning to live uncomfortably completely changed my life.
“It is within these moments of discomfort that we begin to live life”
Start living uncomfortably! Choose growth through moments of discomfort. It is within those moments of discomfort that we begin to live life. Seek out those uncomfortable moments, awkward situations, and somewhat painful interactions, because it is in those situations that you will find opportunities to change your life. Without my uncomfortable moments, I would not be where I am today. These moments can be completely life changing and lead us down unexpected paths full of growth and opportunity. So talk to that person, no matter how awkward it may feel! Run for that office, no matter how terrifying it may seem! Invest in those opportunities, no matter how uncomfortable it may make you! Take advantage of every moment that pushes you outside of your comfort zone. Most of all, choose to live uncomfortably!