Hey Howdy Hey, It's Katie from Idaho FFA!

What are you most excited about for your state officer year?

I am most excited to learn about leadership and service from the FFA members all around Idaho! I love hearing all of your reasons for joining FFA and for serving those around you. I know that every Idaho FFA member will inspire and motivate me this year, and I cannot wait to see what our state can accomplish.

What college, major, and future career are you planning?

This fall, I will be attending the University of Idaho to study Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology. After graduating from the U of I, I plan to attend law school and hope to pursue a career in politics. While those plans may not stay the same, I aim to create positive change wherever I go and whatever I do in the world.

Tell about a meaningful experience you have had in FFA?

The most meaningful FFA experience I have had in FFA was serving as a chairman for Kuna FFA’s Agricultural Exposition. I was able to watch thousands of first and second graders experience agriculture for the first time ever. I saw dozens of FFA members come out of their shells to teach these little kids about livestock and crop science. That was when it really hit home for me that agriculture is for everyone and FFA makes a positive difference in so many lives.

What do you do outside of FFA?

In my high school career, along with FFA, I was involved in National Honor Society, the National Science Quiz Bowl, and Track and Field. I love to stay active and get outdoors by weightlifting, kayaking, hiking, and camping. I also enjoy reading, spending time with my friends and family, and singing (very badly and just as loudly) in the car.

What is your SAE Project?

For my first few years in FFA, my SAE project consisted of studying for several different CDEs and LDEs - I tackled everything from Meats Evaluation to Parliamentary Procedure to Soils Judging to Extemporaneous Speaking. But as a senior in FFA, I realized that I did not want to miss out on experiencing agriculture firsthand. So, I am currently raising a pig named Chicharones to show at the Western Idaho Fair this summer!

What is your mission for the year?

This year, I hope to help as many people as possible - FFA members and beyond - discover their passions for agriculture. FFA and the agricultural industry are diverse communities that all too often go unnoticed. I hope to break down the barriers of misinformation and stereotypes to show everyone that agriculture is not something to fear, it is something to support and love.

Is there something else you would like FFA members to know about you?

I am the middle child of three daughters, so I can be stubborn if needed! I also love new food and new music, so send suggestions my way (:

Idaho FFA Association